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What is Echelsound?
Just me creating some music with absolute no professional ambitions and much knowledge in music theories 😂😂
It began in 2019 with an old Yamaha E-Drum Kit which I bought used from a local musician. I warmed up my acquired drum skills from my childhood (I played about 7 years in a local music school). I had never been very good at it, so I absolutely having no „chops“ or whatever you want to call it, but it makes fun to create something half decent what you can edit and clean up on the computer…
I started with my first projects in garageBand and have now switched to Logic Pro (some people want me to switch to Ableton, but I stick with it at the moment because I am a lazy guy in learning new software-skills). I started to experiment with electronic instruments, like synths and samplers and sometimes with acoustic played instruments (software acoustic instruments, because at the moment a have no real ones 😆). I love synthesizers and hope to get hand on some real ones I can put into my rig! The only Synthbox I have next to my computer is a little Yamaha QY-70 which I could acquire years ago for a little Ebay-money …
So, that’s enough introduction for the moment. The following links, going to some streaming platforms where I casually put my half „decent“ listenable music on. I tried to publish some tracks on Spotify and Apple Music (why not, I’ts so easy nowadays 🙂). Hope you like it – my music is completely uncovered, not really heavily inspired from other creators, mostly just made in short weekend sessions…
My Music on Soundcloud (here you can also find my first trys which are more exerimental)
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